Rainbow flags fly

Sarah Ludford MEP
Liberal Democrat European justice & human rights spokeswoman Sarah Ludford MEP, a Vice-Chair of the Liberal Democrat LGBT group Delga and an active member of the European Parliament lesbian & gay rights intergroup said, “Homophobia is still widespread in the 21st century and the fight against it must be reinforced. It can be vicious and life-threatening, as in aggressive legislation abroad; prejudiced, as in attitudes even in EU countries; or insidious as in football or the media here. Whatever from it takes, it is unacceptable.”
“Just recently the courts in Lithuania – an EU country – almost prevented Baltic Gay Pride celebrations citing ‘security’ concerns. Neighbouring the EU, Belarussian police in Minsk just last Saturday broke up a Slavic Gay Pride event, tearing away their flags and arresting a number of the marchers.”
“The Liberal Democrats and our ALDE group in the European Parliament have always led the way in campaigning on LGBT rights, both in our home countries and abroad.”