
Balls will merely continue Brown’s disastrous policies

“The decision to appoint Ed Balls as Shadow Chancellor shows that the Labour Party is now determined to carry on with the Gordon Brown economic plan that caused so much trouble for this country.”

Commenting on the appointment of Ed Balls as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Treasury Committee, Stephen Williams, said:

“I wish Alan Johnson good luck for the future.

“The decision to appoint Ed Balls as Shadow Chancellor shows that the Labour Party is now determined to carry on with the Gordon Brown economic plan that caused so much trouble for this country.

“Ed Balls isn’t just a deficit denier, he’s a deficit enthusiast.”

Craig Whittall

I am a part-time PhD student in Durham (political theory) and work for a campaigning organsation that provides local Lib Dem campaigners with the tools they need to better serve their local communities.

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